Economic Affairs

Main articles feature a symposium on 'Education for All' Through Privatisation?, guest edited by James Tooley and James Stanfield

The full contents are: Private education and ‘Education for All’ by James Tooley Private education and ‘Education for All’ – … Continue reading “Education for All’ Through Privatisation? (Volume 24.4)”
Economic Affairs

Main articles are devoted to morality, responsibility and the marketplace, editd by Philip Booth

The June 2004 issue of the IEA’s journal, Economic Affairs, is a special issue devoted to morality, responsibility and the … Continue reading “Morality, Responsibility and the Marketplace (Volume 24.2)”
Economic Affairs

Main articles on The Governance of the European Union, guest edited by Professor Norman Barry

The latest issue of Economic Affairs is a special edition examining the governance of the European Union. Leading academics and … Continue reading “The Governance of the European Union (Volume 24.1)”
Economic Affairs

Main articles on Financial Services Regulation, guest edited by Paul Klumpes. The sample article is on UK pensions regulation.

Contents: Financial Services Regulation by Paul Klumpes Competition Among Stakeholder Groups for Political Influence Over Business Regulation: the case of … Continue reading “Financial Services Regulation (Volume 23.3)”