Economic Affairs

The Governance of the European Union (Volume 24.1)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Aid, Trade and Economic Development, guest edited by Razeen Sally

Economic Affairs

Main articles are devoted to morality, responsibility and the marketplace, editd by Philip Booth

Main articles on The Governance of the European Union, guest edited by Professor Norman Barry

The latest issue of Economic Affairs is a special edition examining the governance of the European Union. Leading academics and experts examine the EU constitution, the European Court, the European Convention and inter-jurisdictional competition in a European context. Other articles examine Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom after 60 years, the patent system, measuring inflation, the legacy of Keynes and North American electricity policy in the light of the recent blackouts. There are also regular columns on the City, education, the environment and the economics of government, and book reviews.

Full contents:

Guest Editorial:

Constitutional deliberations over Europe by Norman Barry

Governance of the European Union:

Historical lessons for Europe’s future in the wake of the EU convention by Paul Robinson

Constitutionalism, federalism and the European Union by Norman Barry

The European Court:

The forgotten powerhouse building the European Superstate by Martin Howe

The constitutional proposal of the European Convention: an appraisal and explanation by the European Constitutional Group

Economic analysis and inter-jurisdictional competition by Martin Ricketts

Other articles:

Looking back at the condensed version of The Road to Serfdom after 60 years by John Blundell

Towards designing an ideal patent system by Alexei G. Orlov

The measure of inflation by Andrew Lilico

J.M. Keynes: an emperor without clothes (one non-economist’s view of another) by Terry Arthur

The North American blackout and electricity policy: alternatives to transmission construction by Lynne Kiesling


How the welfare state encourages the poor to ‘spend, spend, spend’ by Tim Congdon

Bring back school fees by James Tooley

Climate change, Luddites and unnecessary deaths by Roger Bate

The regional fallacy by John Meadowcroft

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