Economic Affairs

Aid, Trade and Economic Development (Volume 23.4)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Financial Services Regulation, guest edited by Paul Klumpes. The sample article is on UK pensions regulation.

Economic Affairs

Main articles on The Governance of the European Union, guest edited by Professor Norman Barry

Main articles on Aid, Trade and Economic Development, guest edited by Razeen Sally

In this issue of Economic Affairs, commentators look at the role of the United States in the world political and economic order, the importance of migration in the process of globalisation, and the shameful record of development aid as a way of helping poor countries. There are additional articles on the hugely successful deregulation of taxes in Ireland – an issue that is being seriously considered in the UK; proposals to re-regulate buses and on the economics of sanctions. Economic Affairs also contains the usual columns on the City, the Environment and Education as well as book reviews.


Essay in the spirit of Peter Bauer by Razeen Sally

The revival of cultural explanation in economics by E L Jones

In defence of empires by Deepak Lal

Migration, globalisation and the spirit of Peter Bauer by Daniel T Griswold

Poverty and recovery: the history of aid and development in East Africa by Fredrik Erixon

Other Articles:

Regulatory capture, property rights and taxi deregulation: a case study by Sean D Barrett

The ethics of economic sanctions by Robert W McGee

The bus industry: franchise and the loss of freedom by John Hibbs

The pros and cons of government regulation by Joseph L Porket

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