A lucid analysis of the link between nationalism and liberalism

Special Offer £30.00 (usual price £45.00) How far can liberal values, ideals, and political institutions be reconciled with national affiliations … Continue reading “In Defence of the Realm: The Place of Nations in Classical Liberalism”

IEA Student Essay CompetitionFirst Prize £1,000Three Second Prizes £500 The government should not increase spending to get the economy out of recession. Discuss in 1,500 words or lessEntries must be submitted by 10th July 2009, by email to: essays@iea.org.uk or by post to Christine Blundell, IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London SW1P 3LB.Please include your name, the name of your school, the name of your teacher, and your date of birth on a separate sheetThe competition is open to students aged 18 or under.

IEA Student Essay Competition First Prize £1,000 Three Second Prizes £500 ‘The government should not increase spending to get the … Continue reading “IEA Student Essay Competition”

Historian Paul Johnson's latest book in which he presents a series of portraits of heroes from all ages of history. Special Offer £10.00 (Usual Price £20.00)

Special Offer – £10.00 (Normal Price £20.00) In this collection of portraits, which continues an acclaimed series that began with … Continue reading “Heroes – From Alexander the Great to Mae West”