Government Failure and Over-Government


Recommended Reading

A recent classic which defends free trade and systematically refutes the most common criticisms and misconceptions

Economic Theory

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Government and Institutions

The fifth volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

In this volume Arthur Seldon uses public choice economics to support his theory of over-government.

Seldon explains how the results of government programmes are always at odds with what the people would have chosen for themselves, because governments seek to impose taxes and legislature based on their own agendas.

Seldon purports that any government that continues to force its own views and desires on the unwilling public will lead to its own demise as the public searches elsewhere for a more representative democracy.

Also Available

The complete set of seven books for only £79.95:

The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

The other books in the series at £13.95 each:

The Virtues of Capitalism

The State is Rolling Back

Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

Introducing Market Forces into Public Services

Government Failure and Over-Government

The Welfare State: Pensions, Healthcare and Education

The IEA, the LSE, and Influence of Ideas

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