Introducing Market Forces into Public Services


Economic Theory

A lucid analysis of the link between nationalism and liberalism

Monetary Policy

A fascinating look at the history and development of the investment banking industry

The fourth volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

Introducing Market Forces into Public Services brings together six of Seldon’s most pivotal essays that discuss his alternative proposals for paying for “public” services rather than through taxation. Specifically, Seldon focuses on the varied use of vouchers to purchase or receive public services such as health care and education. The recurring theme, as noted in Colin Robinson’s introduction, is that “non-market provision, financed by taxpayers, leads to a fatal disconnection between suppliers and consumers.”

This volume is an invaluable resource for those embroiled in current debates over such issues as education vouchers, health care reform, and overwhelming taxation.

Also Available

The complete set of seven books for only £79.95:

The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

The other books in the series at £13.95 each:

The Virtues of Capitalism

The State is Rolling Back

Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

Introducing Market Forces into Public Services

Government Failure and Over-Government

The Welfare State: Pensions, Healthcare and Education

The IEA, the LSE, and Influence of Ideas

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