Julian Jessop referenced in the Express
Harrison Griffiths has written for the Critic
Harrison wrote:
“On an individual level, lies do not usually cause catastrophe. But when they are systematised within the fundamental institutions of society, particularly the state, they can become lethal. Compared to closed and authoritarian systems like the USSR, western liberal democracies are much less likely to embed fundamental untruths into their institutions and more likely to expose them before they lead to Chernobyl-level consequences. But that does not render them immune.
“Throughout the West, post-Cold War complacency has increased tolerance for institutionalised untruths, perpetuated by both the wider population and elites. Nowhere has this manifested to a greater extent than Western Europe. Across the region, institutions have created economic stagnation due to a toxic combination of complacency, risk-aversion, and interest group appeasement.
“Take NIMBYism, one of the most significant forces behind Britain’s economic stagnation. When YIMBYs point out that Britain’s housing and infrastructure shortage is a major drag on growth and caused by state-imposed supply constraints, it is always greeted by a chorus of denial. These denials range from arguments that landlords or interest rates are the real cause of high prices, to outright refusal to admit that a crisis even exists. Here we see complacency.”
Read the full article here.