
Controls have proved damaging and counterproductive

Despite UK display ban advocates’ repeated assertions, the empirical evidence does not demonstrate that tobacco display bans have reduced smoking … Continue reading “Canada’s ruinous tobacco display ban: economic and public health lessons”

Mark Littlewood on the implications of Britain's record budget deficit

The twenty-seventh IEA Discussion Paper is a transcript of Mark Littlewood’s speech given to an IEA meeting on 24th March … Continue reading “The Hole We’re In: The Challenge for Free Marketeers in 2010 and Beyond (web publication)”

An estimate of the public spending cuts required to tackle the UK's budget deficit

In the 31st IEA Current Controversies paper, Philip Booth examines the scale of the public spending cuts required to tackle … Continue reading “Cutting public spending by £167bn: a modest but necessary aim (web publication)”

UK's fiscal profligacy is exacerbating the downturn

In the twenty-sixty IEA Discussion Paper, Professor David B. Smith examines M4X as a measure of the supply of broad … Continue reading “Money Still Matters – The Implications of M4X for Quantitative Easing (web publication)”