
Why outlawing particular goods and services is bad public policy

The ‘nanny state’ has expanded in recent years. Politicians and bureaucrats have increasingly sought to restrict what individuals are permitted … Continue reading “Prohibitions”

Author estimates government liabilities at £1,071 billion

In the 27th IEA Current Controversies Paper, Neil Record examines UK public sector unfunded occupational pensions. Five important events have … Continue reading “Sir Humphrey’s Legacy: An Update. UK Public Sector Unfunded Occupational Pensions. (web publication)”

Secure private property rights are essential for economic growth in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has received tens of billions of dollars in foreign aid over the last fifty years yet economic development … Continue reading “Paths to Property: Approaches to Institutional Change in International Development”

This IEA classic concisely lays out the economic issues that would be raised if Britain were to leave the EU.

The first edition of this controversial book in 1996 significantly influenced the debate about Britain’s relationship with the rest of … Continue reading “Better Off Out? The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership”