
Below is the draft of a lecture given on Tuesday 31st October as part of the 'The Beesley Lectures: Lectures On Regulation Series X 2000' organised by Professor David Currie of the London Business School and Professor Colin Robinson of the IEA. This is reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Yarrow

The Beesley Lectures: Lectures on Regulation Introduction The new gas trading arrangements (NGTA) is the name given to a package … Continue reading “New Gas Trading Arrangements”

Below is the draft of a lecture given on 17th October 2000 as part of the 'The Beesley Lectures: Lectures On Regulation Series X 2000' organised by Professor David Currie of the London Business School and Professor Colin Robinson of the IEA


Below is the draft of a lecture given on 10th October 2000 as part of the 'The Beesley Lectures: Lectures On Regulation Series X 2000' organised by Professor David Currie of the London Business School and Professor Colin Robinson of the IEA. This is reproduced with the kind permission of Professor Currie

The Beesley Lectures: Lectures on Regulation Introduction My task this evening is to review the new electricity trading arrangements (NETA) … Continue reading “The New Electricity Trading Arrangements in England and Wales”