Economic Affairs

New Perspectives on the Economics and Politics of Ageing (Volume 28.1)


Economic Affairs

The latest issue of Economic Affairs looks at a number of issues in contemporary policing policy

Economic Affairs

Main articles on social housing, with an education supplement on the Pupil Premium

Main articles on demography and pensions
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Main articles

New perspectives on the economics and politics of ageing by Philip Booth (editorial)

The young held to ransom – a public choice analysis of the UK state pension system by Philip Booth (sample article)

Punishing the poor: a critique of means-tested retirement benefits by Oskari Juurikkala

Older workers, government and business: implications of ageing populations by Brad Jorgensen and Philip Taylor

The economics, political and financial implications of ageing populations by Gabriel Stein

Demographic effects on economic growth and consequences for the provision of pensions by Nicholas Misoulis

Sustainable pension reform in India: towards a market-based system by Oskari Juurikkala

Other articles

Learning to walk before we can price: the costs and benefits of road pricing policies by Alex Bowerman

A new model for public services by Fiona Bulmer

Defining, measuring and defending liberty: a review of The Quality of Freedom by Matthew H. Kramer and Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics by Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl by Elaine Sternberg

Economic viewpoints

Repairing the cracks: the supervisory role of the Bank of England post-Northern Rock by David B. Smith

Binge borrowers or rational consumers? The FSA and government failure by Graham Dawson

Winners and losers from dollar depreciation by Sergio Da Silva, Gabrielle De Lima and Roberto Meurer

Developing a constitution for a liberal European Union by George Herbert

An economically liberal European Union will not be delivered by the EU Reform Treaty by Ruth Lea

A review of The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek: Volume II, The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents – The Definitive Edition, edited by Bruce Caldwell by John Blundell


Government short-termism and the tax system by Tim Congdon

Europe and Asia by Razeen Sally

The secret history of higher education in the USA by James Stanfield

Green policies, rather than a warming planet, will cause more death by Roger Bate

Do we really want to make poverty history? by John Meadowcroft

Book reviews

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