Economic Affairs

Policing a Liberal Society (Volume 27.4)


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The latest issue of Economic Affairs looks at a number of issues in contemporary policing policy
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This issues of Economic Affairs investigates why, despite increased levels of spending and the recruitment of extra officers, Britain’s policing system is failing to protect the public from crime.

Violent crime has reached record levels and overall crime rates remain ten times higher than in 1950. After analysing the evidence the studies provide a series of practical policy recommendations that promise to transform British policing and dramatically reduce crime.

The sample article, Policing for the people , by the Rt. Hon. David Davis MP, Shadow Home Secretary, can be downloaded free of charge by clicking the link at the top right.


Main articles

Policing a liberal society by John Blundell ( editorial )
Policing a liberal society by John Blundell
A people’s police for the twenty-first century: a reply to Blundell by Sara Thornton
Willing the ends but not the means: a rejoinder to Thornton by John Blundell
The effect of policing strategies: evidence from the USA by Andrew R. Gimber
CompStat, community policing and The Science of Success: a market-based approach to police management by Matt Holian
Private policing and private roads: a Coasian approach to drunk-driving policy by Bruce L. Benson
Policing for the people by David Davis ( sample article )
Policing in the UK and USA: a brief comparison by Paul Evans

Other articles

Meddling in other men’s affairs: the case for anarchy by Gerard Casey
Pensions, fertility and families by Oskari Juurikkala
Transition and political markets: post-war German versus post-socialist Slovenian reconstruction by Mico Mrkaic and Rado Pezdir

Economic viewpoints

Economics and the distinction between voluntary and coercive action by Daniel B. Klein
Homo Democraticus: or why democracy should not be the objective of US foreign policy by Katherine Cornell Gorka
The bus industry in danger by John Hibbs
Rethinking professional regulation by Christian Seibert


Financial innovation destroys and creates – but mostly creates by Tim Congdon
China and globalisation by Razeen Sally
For-profit charities in education by James Stanfield
Fake drugs kill the poor by Roger Bate
More harm than good: the danger of EU grants by John Meadowcroft

Book reviews

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