Economic Affairs

Road Pricing (Volume 18.4)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Defence Economics, guest edited by Keith Hartley

Economic Affairs

Main articles on The Crisis in Water, guest edited by Julian Morris

Main articles on Road Pricing, guest edited by John Hibbs

Main articles

A Radical Approach: editorial by John Hibbs
The Case for Road Pricing by Alan Day
Road Pricing in a Free Society by Gabriel Roth
The Political Feasibility of Road Pricing by Paul Truelove
The Saleability of Urban Road Pricing by Stephen Ison
Road Pricing and the ‘New Deal for Transport’ by David Bayliss
Implementing Road-Use Pricing by Stealth by Peter Hills

Other Articles

Britain at the Crossroads: the Single Currency by Sir James Ball
Architecture and Freedom by John Gillis
Ensuring Quality in Higher Education through Student by Thomas Lange


The failures of US forecasters by Tim Congdon
Avoiding welfare dependency by David G. Green
Equity and private education by James Tooley
Allocating water: by market or bureaucracy? by Roger Bate
Interest rates and exchange rates by Geoffrey E. Wood

Book reviews by

Rick Geddes
Israel M Kirzner
Edwin G West
Forrest Capie
Roger Bootle
David Blake
John Blundell
John Burton
Lynette Swift
Ian Senior
Geoffrey E. Wood
Nigel Essex

Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs

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