Economic Affairs

Regulation and the Small Firm (Volume 21.2)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Reforming the CAP, guest edited by Linda Whetstone

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Freeing Universities From State Control, guest edited by James Tooley

Main articles on Regulation and the Small Firm, guest edited by Graham Bannock

Main articles:

Controlling regulation Graham Bannock
The operating costs of taxation: a review of the research Chris Evans
Government administrative burdens on SMEs in East Africa: reviewing issues and actions Fiona Macculloch
A small business perspective on regulation in the UK Ian Fletcher
Federal regulation and the American economy Thomas A. Gray
Reforming value added tax Graham Bannock

Other Articles:

Deregulation initiatives in Hong Kong Martin Barrow
Franchise and the transport market: a new threat from Brussels John Hibbs
Currency options: Hayek and competing currencies G. R. Steele
Economics, slavery and victorian reformers Terry Arthur


In the City: The UK’s successful service industries Tim Congdon
Education: Survival is not compulsory James Tooley
Technology: From basket-case to bread basket and beyond:
India’s glorious technological future Julian Morris
The Environment: Bangladesh: basket-case of choice of green alarmists, Roger Bate
Fallacies: ‘The Chancellor can predict the effect of tax allowances on behaviour’ Geoffrey E. Wood

Books reviews by:

Sir Alan Walters
Russell Twisk
Walter Eltis
John Blundell
Allen Sykes
Roger Fouquet

Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs.

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