Economic Affairs

Reforming the CAP (Volume 20.2)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Macro Economic Management, guest edited by Kent Matthews

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Regulation and the Small Firm, guest edited by Graham Bannock

Main articles on Reforming the CAP, guest edited by Linda Whetstone
Main articles

Reforming the CAP by Linda Whetstone (editorial)
The CAP: History and Attempts at Reform by Richard Howarth
Agricultural Incomes and the CAP by Berkeley Hill
Global Economic Effects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy by Brent Borrell & Lionel Hubbard
The CAP: Whence It Came, Where It Should Go by Sean Rickard
The Future of CAP? Problems and Proposals
The Failure of CAP Reform: A Public Choice Analysis

Other articles

Price-level targeting – the next objective for monetary policy? by Andrew Lilico (sample article)
Making water competition a reality by Alan Jones


Is inflation dead? by Tim Congdon
The General Medical Council: 100 years of medical trades unionism by David G. Green
Private Schools for the poor in India by James Tooley
Fossilising European farming by Roger Bate
It is sensible to judge past decisions in the light of current information by Geoffrey E. Wood

Book review

Samuel Brittan

Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs.

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