Economic Affairs

Freeing Universities From State Control (Volume 21.3)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Regulation and the Small Firm, guest edited by Graham Bannock

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Reforming the NHS, guest edited by Heather Gage

Main articles on Freeing Universities From State Control, guest edited by James Tooley

Theme of main articles:

The future of higher education in the UK: James Tooley
Seven straws in the wind
How necessary are universities? Sir Alan Peacock
Who owns the universities? The battle for university
Independence and against the dependency culture Graham Hills
Fine balancing act: freedom and accountability Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe
UK universities and the state: a Faustian bargain? Tony Dickson
Investing in private higher education in developing countries: Recent experiences of the international Finance Corporation Jacob van Lutsenburg

Other articles:

Competitor complains in anti-trust enforcement: C. Boyden Gray of Microsoft and mergers
Bypassing Barnett: the comprehensive spending review Gillian Bristow and public expenditure in Wales
Markets in the Firm Ken Phillips


In the City: Warning signs from the money supply Tim Congdon
Education: Privatisation of education, Albania style James Tooley
Technology: Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals Julian Morris won’t rid the world of infectious diseases
The Environment: Recycling scares Roger Bate
Fallacies: Britain should join the euro at the Geoffrey E. Wood ‘correct’ exchange rate

Book reviews by:

Terence Hutchison
Patrick Minford
Stephen Littlechild
Sir Alan Peacock
Roland Vaubel
Gary L. McDowell

Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs.

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