Economic Affairs

Reforming the NHS (Volume 21.4)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Freeing Universities From State Control, guest edited by James Tooley

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Welfare Reform, guest edited by Dennis and Mary O'Keeffe. The sample article is on UK pensions policy.

Main articles on Reforming the NHS, guest edited by Heather Gage

Main articles:

Healthcare Reform Heather Gage
Transforming the NHS: what chance for the new government? Jennifer Dixon
NHS malaise: diagnosis and treatment option Heather Gage
The elusive NHS consumer: 1948 to the NHS Plan Will Anderson and Steve Gillam
Clinical negligence in the UK: throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Neil Rickman and Paul Fenn
Current trends and future directions for the Canadian healthcare system Peter C. Coyte
‘Don’t try this at home’: health policy lessons for the NHS from the United States Kieran Walshe

Other articles:

Arthur Seldon’s Honorary Fellowship at the LSE Robert Worcester
What can we learn from Switzerland? Victoria Curzon Price
Popper and Classical liberalism Jeremy Shearmur
UK pension policy: world leader turning laggard? Terry Arthur
The rhetoric and reality: employer responses to the national minimum wage Alfred Crossman


In the City: Housing drives the economy Tim Congdon
Education: Professor Edwin G. West: an appreciation James Tooley
Technology: A new blood feud? Julian Morris
The Environment: Saving our streams Roger Bate
Fallacies: The chancellor should reduce his spending plans, Geoffrey E. Wood

Book reviews by:

Sir Samuel Brittan
Philip Hanson
Russell Lewis
D. R. Myddelton
Philip Booth
Andrew Lilico
Ian Senior
Lesley Kelly
Tony Carilli

Published by Blackwell Publishers , Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs

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