Introduction by J R Shackleton
- Economic growth by catch-up nations in an age of neo-protectionism and smart automation, by
- What is the relationship between industry-specific regulation and technology startups?, by &
- A minor masterpiece? Reconsidering De ponderibus et mensuris by Juan de Mariana, by Giovanni Patriarca
- Using the balance sheet framework for monetary analysis: The case of China, by Wenzhe Li
- How do licensing boards provide oversight? An Idaho case study, by Conor Norris, Alex Adams & Edward Timmons
- Minimum wages and foster care placement disruption, by Florence Neymotin & William Hawks
- The value of space activity, by Rebecca Lowe
- Anti-capitalists, post-colonialists, and the controversy about the ‘colonisation of space’ by Rainer Zitelmann
- Islamic economics: Intertemporal prices, interest rates and discount rates, by Gerald R Steele
- Accounting for large fiscal government size, by Ryan H Murphy
- Red flags but no yellow cards: The ‘WelCond’ research on welfare conditionality and unemployed people, by Andrew Dunn
- The future of American democracy?, by John Phelan
- Money capital: New monetary principles for a more prosperous society by Patrick Bolton and Haizhou Huang. (Princeton University Press. 2024. pp. 312. £30.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0691232225. £21.00 (ebk). ISBN: 978-0691232379) by John Greenwood
- A crash course on crises: Macroeconomic concepts for run-ups, collapses, and recoveries by Marcus K Brunnermeier and Ricardo Reis. (Princeton University Press. 2023. pp. 136. £30.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0691221106. £21.00 (ebk). ISBN: 978-0691221113) by Geoffrey Wood
- The reckoning: From the second slavery to abolition, 1776–1888 by Robin Blackburn. (Verso. 2024. pp. 544. £35.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978-1804293416. £15.00 (ebk). ISBN: 978-1804293430) by Stephen Wilkinson
- Growth: A reckoning by Daniel Susskind. Allen Lane. (2024. pp. 368. £25.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0241542309. £10.99 (pbk). ISBN: 978-0141998718. £13.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978-0141998725) by J R Shackleton
- The shortest history of economics By Andrew Leigh. (Old Street Publishing. 2024. pp. 228. £14.99 (hbk). ISBN: 978-1913083496. £4.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978-1913083502) by Charles Amos
- The road to freedom: Economics and the good society By Joseph E Stiglitz. (Allen Lane. 2024. pp. 356. £25.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978–0241687888. £13.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978-1802065367) by Cento Veljanovski
- Pax economica: Left-wing visions of a free trade world By Marc-William Palen.(Princeton University Press. 2024. pp. 328. £30.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0691199320. £21.00 (ebk). ISBN: 978-0691205137) by Catherine McBride
- Airport enterprises: An economic analysis By David Starkie.(Regulatory Policy Institute. 2023. pp. 241. £29.99 (pbk). ISBN: 978-173941802. £9.99 (ebk). ISBN: 978-17394181) by Joshua Bowden