Labour Market

Truss forced to U-turn on her civil service pay plan


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in City AM

Emily Carver writes for ConservativeHome

Emily Carver, IEA Head of Media, has written for ConservativeHome on Liz Truss’ public sector pay plan.

Commenting on Truss’ proposal that there should be variation in civil service pay, Emily writes:

“Public sector wages can dominate and crowd out the private sector in less prosperous areas of the country, and businesses often find themselves unable to compete with taxpayer-funded salaries. 

(…) Why, then, should public sector workers necessarily be paid the same wherever they choose to reside?”

“If Truss seriously wants to take on Whitehall and boost productivity in the civil service, she’s going to need the strength to commit to a policy, communicate it well and see it through. Weakness and ill-worded press statements are not an option.”

Read the full article here.

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