Lifestyle Economics

Time to trim the nanny state’s fat


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Scottish Express

In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in ITV News

Nanny State Index referenced in The Telegraph

The Nanny State Index ’23, a report compiled by EPICENTER and edited by IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been referenced in a Daily Telegraph article revealing how an online NHS ‘healthy weight’ calculator mistakenly encouraged people to eat more.

The article said:

“Even when a leading obesity expert tackled health officials to warn them about the blunders, it took two years for action to be taken; a potential gain of five stone for any hapless individual who had stuck with the NHS advice.

“Last month, the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank declared the UK one of the most draconian countries for restrictions on food and drink.

“The ‘nanny state index’ ranked the UK second most restrictive country in Europe, as a result of the sugar tax on soft drinks and existing restrictions on marketing of food to children.”

Read the full piece here.

You can read the Nanny State Index ’23 here.

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