Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon writes for City A.M.

In an article for City AM, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon argues that while many of Boris Johnson’s … Continue reading “Calorie labelling plan is not wholly objectionable but it is economically inefficient”
Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon quoted in the Mail on Sunday

Boris Johnson is “mistaken” if he thinks introducing measures to combat obesity to pacify nanny statists will succeed, says Christopher … Continue reading “If the PM thinks restricting advertising is going to reduce obesity, “he is mistaken.””
Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon writes for the Daily Telegraph

“Brexit and Covid-19 pushed [the government’s obesity strategy] onto the back burner until the Prime Minister had a sick-bed conversion” … Continue reading “The proposed ‘junk food’ advertising ban will set in motion a runaway train”