Labour Market

Get Britain Working White Paper published today ‘square root of nothing much at all’, according to IEA Fellow

Responding to the DWP White Paper ‘Get Britain Working’ published today (26 November), Professor Len Shackleton, Editorial and Research Fellow at the IEA said:

“The Government’s Get Britain Working White Paper seems to amount to the square root of nothing much at all. Money is being spent on ‘trailblazer’ working groups and Jobcentres are – once again – being ‘transformed’. But the  really important stuff – reforming benefits – is put off to a later date, if it ever happens.

“It is a disappointing package, unlikely to stimulate the inactive back into work. It is questionable that there would be enough jobs for them in any case, given that the budget and minimum wage increases have sharply raised the cost of employing people, especially the young, while new employment rights from Day One mean that employers face greater risk in taking on those without a sound employment record.”

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