Society and Culture

British politics needs optimism, not more catastrophising


In the Media

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator


Victoria Hewson features in the Daily Express

Emily Carver writes for Conservative Home

In her bi-weekly Conservative Home column, IEA Head of Media, Emily Carver, argued that every problem in UK politics has recently been characterised as an impending catastrophe, leading to national angst and panic which is demoralising the nation.

Whether it is the Covid pandemic, fuel shortages,  climate change or leaving the EU, we lack the optimism and belief that we can meet these challenges successfully. It is time to stop “insisting that our country is going to go to hell in a handcart” and  remember that we have overcome challenges in the past.

Emily argued: “Misery may sell newspapers, but after 18 months of stop-start-stop lockdown restrictions, perhaps the message should be that human ingenuity and the power of private enterprise have helped prevent economic collapse – indeed the vaccination can be seen to be, in many ways, a victory for capitalism“.

Read the full article here.

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