
This new catalogue details the IEA publications to be released in 2006 and 2007. It also includes comprehensive information on recently published work and a complete list of our publications in print.

A wonderful starting point for exploring the IEA’s extensive range of work, and given the range of titles included, the … Continue reading “IEA Catalogue 2006/2007”

As the government appears ready to go nuclear, Colin Robinson and Eileen Marshall urge caution

As the government reconsiders it energy policy, two of the UK’s leading authorities on the economics of energy, Professor Colin … Continue reading “Can a New Nuclear Power Programme Be Justified? (web publication)”

Has the Green Movement really won the climate change argument? Energy shortages will influence us more than climate catastrophe (or the Greens), argues Richard D North

In the 21st paper in the IEA’s Current Controversies series, IEA Media Fellow Richard D North, seeks to move the … Continue reading “‘Rednecks’ and ‘Weird People at the IEA’: Moving the Climate Change Debate Forward (web publication)”

A new estimate of Britain's public sector pensions burden

In a paper presented at the IEA’s Second Annual Political Economy Conference, Neil Record sets out his new calculation of … Continue reading “Sir Humphrey’s Legacy: the true cost of public sector pensions (web publication)”

In the 11th IEA Discussion Paper, Philip Booth asks whether world leaders at the Edinburgh G8 meeting were focusing on the right issues

This paper discusses why good governance is the only route to economic development and why aid can, in fact, be … Continue reading “Aid, Trade and Good Governance: can we make poverty history? (web publication) – Philip Booth”