Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon and John Duffy react to the actions of The European Commission in relation to minimum alcohol pricing

The European Commission has refused to fund a series of articles published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) which attacked … Continue reading “European Commission refuses to pay for ‘ad hominem attack’”

Market reforms are urgently needed to enable the UK's health system to compete on a global level

A revival of Labour’s market-oriented healthcare reforms would dramatically improve NHS care, saving thousands of lives. The Blair government’s adoption … Continue reading “Revive Labour’s NHS reforms and introduce an opt-out to improve care”

Reviving contracting-out of the state pension will benefit millions in retirement

The current state pension system risks under-delivering for future generations and overstretching the public purse. Reviving the option of contracting-out … Continue reading “Reviving contracting out of pensions will boost financial security in retirement”
Government and Institutions

Mark Littlewood comments on the recommendations of the London Health Commission report

Commenting on recommendations from the London Health Commission report, such as smoke-free parks and mandatory traffic-light labelling on restaurant menus, Mark … Continue reading “IEA slams London Health Commission’s calls on public health”