Economic Theory

The debunking of myths surrounding inequality, social mobility, wages and more

Capitalism has had a raw deal thanks to the various misconceptions voiced by commentators across the spectrum. Rising inequality and … Continue reading “Dispelling the myths around rising inequality and stagnant incomes”
Lifestyle Economics

The Children’s Food Campaign’s own figures suggest that the cost of a sugary drinks tax to London taxpayers will be £2.6 billion over twenty years.

The Children’s Food Campaign claims that a 20% tax on sugary drinks will save London taxpayers £39 million over twenty … Continue reading “Tax on sugary drinks would cost Londoners £2.6 billion”
Lifestyle Economics

Policies such as the smoking ban and alcohol duty escalator have contributed to the decline in pubs

Taxation, regulation and declining real wages as a result of the recession have been responsible for the closure of more … Continue reading “Taxation and red tape have killed more than 6,000 pubs since 2006”
Housing and Planning

Government plans to commission, build and sell homes is at odds with the principles of a market economy

Commenting on the government proposal to directly commission, build and even sell homes, Mark Littlewood, Director-General at the Institute of … Continue reading “The government must not pick winners in the housing market”
Lifestyle Economics

Plain packaging has failed to have any effect on smoking rates

Commenting on the two two year anniversary of plain packaging in Australia, Christopher Snowdon, Director of Lifestyle Economics at the … Continue reading “Two years on, all evidence shows that plain packaging has failed in Australia”
Trade, Development, and Immigration

As far as welfare is concerned, you need to pay in before you can take out

Commenting on David Cameron’s speech on immigration, Mark Littlewood, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs said: “The Prime … Continue reading “Politicians should take a simple stance when it comes to immigration”