
Replace the NHS?

Kristian Niemietz featured in the Telegraph

IEA Editorial Director and Head of Political Economy, Dr Kristian Niemietz, had his most recent report featured in the Telegraph.

The article said:

“The report by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) points to a “huge shift in public opinion” with Britons increasingly likely to say the NHS is worse than healthcare systems in other European countries…

“Dr Kristian Niemietz, the report author and IEA editorial director, said: “Until not even three years ago, the NHS used to be Britain’s most revered sacred cow, and criticising it was the ultimate social taboo.

“‘Now, three out of ten people say openly that some of the continental European health systems deliver better-quality healthcare than the NHS does. I have rarely seen a social taboo lose its bite so quickly: there has been a dramatic shift in what people feel they are allowed to say in public.’”

You can read the full article here.

You can read the full publication The Denationalisation of Healthcare here.

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