Trade, Development, and Immigration

CPTPP makes global Britain a reality


In the Media

Shanker Singham appears on GB News

Shanker Singham writes in The Express

IEA International Trade and Competition Fellow Shanker Singham has written in The Daily Express welcoming the UK’s membership of the CPTPP.

Shanker wrote:

“Global Britain has become a reality.

“For the first time, a major G7 country has chosen to accede to a regional grouping – not because it is part of that region, but rather because the agreement represents liberal values and provides economic opportunities.

“CPTPP is a deeply liberalising agreement, based on mutual recognition, equivalence and adequacy.

“The agreement is becoming an alternative to the World Trade Organisation by emphasising regulatory competition and recognition. CPTPP + UK is an equivalent economic power to the EU-28-UK.”

Read the full piece here.

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