Economic Affairs

The Economic Analysis of Institutions (Volume 28.3)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on social housing, with an education supplement on the Pupil Premium

Economic Affairs

Main articles on government healthcare provision in different countries

Government and Institutions

Leading authorities, including Oliver E. Williamson, discuss the New Institutional Economics
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Main articles

The economic analysis of institutions by Martin Ricketts (editorial)

Transaction cost economics: the precursors by Oliver E. Williamson

The New Institutional Economics – a different approach to economic analysis by Eirik G. Furubotn and Rudolf Richter

Institutions and the environment by Elinor Ostrom (sample article)

Some alternative approaches to utility regulation by Stephen Littlechild

Other articles
Irish National Lottery Sports Capital Grant Allocations, 1999-2007: natural experiments on political influence by John Considine, Frank Crowley, Sinead Foley and Marie O’Connor

Does the impact of institutional quality on economic growth depend on initial income level? by Jose Aixala and Gema Fabro

A securitised market for human capital by Wei-Choun Yu and Donald M. Salyards

Rapid growth in China and the Asian economies: some stylised free-market policy inferences by Dilip K. Das

Economic viewpoints
Fair trade is counterproductive – and unfair by David R. Henderson

Innovation nation by Terence Kealey

Harold Wilson’s devaluation: a salutary lesson by G. R. Steele

The entrepreneurial employee by Joseph S. Fulda

‘The greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen’: really? by Arthur Ma


High oil prices are a blessing in disguise by Tim Congdon

South-East Asia and globalisation by Razeen Sally

Africa’s great leap backward by James Stanfield

China’s dangerous drug exports by Roger Bate

Universal, free healthcare: don’t believe the hype by John Meadowcroft

Book reviews

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