Economic Affairs

What future for the EU? (Volume 17.1)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on pension reform edited by Philip Booth. The editorial is on 'The transition from social insecurity' and the sample article on the Chilean pensions model.

Economic Affairs

Main articles on the economics of sport edited by Peter Sloane

Government and Institutions

Main articles on the direction in which the Union is moving and Britain's relationship with its Continental partners, edited by Brian Hindley


Britain and Europe by Colin Robinson

Main Articles

Does British Economic Policy have a Future? by Brian Hindley

The Legal Framework of the EC Single Market by Martin Howe QC

Britain’s Future in Europe: A Personal View by Victoria Curzon Price

The Importance of Being at the Margin by Roland Vaubel

The Future of Europe – and Britain’s Economic Future in Europe: The Perspective of a Europe-Based Multinational by Donald Hepburn

The Ins and Outs of European Monetary Union: Some Public Policy Issues by Geoffrey E. Wood

Old Wine in New Bottles by Martin Wolf

The Impossibility of Accurate Macro-Economic Forecasting by Paul Ormerod

Business Ethics and the Free Market by Elaine Sternberg

Accounting for Crime by Stephen Shaw


In the City: The Coming Failure of EMU by Tim Congdon

Social Affairs: The Poor have not been getting Poorer by David G. Green

Education: Thoughts for Manifestos by James Tooley

The Environment: Genes, nuts and vaccines by Roger Bate

Fallacies: ‘With Population Growth Continuing, it will be Harder and Harder to Find Jobs for Everyone’ by Geoffrey E. Wood

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