
A panel discussion on Irish tobacco policy

  •  23/10/2013
“How to Really Stop People Smoking” will investigate what works and what policy measures are desirable to eliminate the health risks of smoking. The seminar will take place in the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland on Tuesday, October 23 at 7pm. A panel of speakers from the USA, Germany, UK and Ireland will draw on (more…)


Royal College of Physicians, Ireland

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A panel discussion on prohibition vs. harm reduction

  •  15/07/2013
Some public health campaigners consider good health to be irreconcilable with free market capitalism. They regard the pursuit of profit as a major cause of unhealthy consumption and view certain industries as ‘disease vectors’. Accordingly, they support political action which limits commercial speech and restricts product development. One consequence of this ‘neo-prohibitionist’ approach is that (more…)


IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street)

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