
Can a New Nuclear Power Programme Be Justified? (web publication)


Government and Institutions

Is contemporary Sweden really the most successful society the world has ever known?


Richard Teather sets out the enormous benefits that flow from tax competition.

As the government appears ready to go nuclear, Colin Robinson and Eileen Marshall urge caution
As the government reconsiders it energy policy, two of the UK’s leading authorities on the economics of energy, Professor Colin Robinson and Dr Eileen Marshall, caution against the adoption of a nuclear strategy and suggest an alternative way forward.

2005, Current Controversies 23

For more on different aspects of energy policy, see the lecture on better regulation given by Alistair Buchanan , Chief Executive of OFGEM, at the IEA on 29 November 2005, and Richard D North’s web article titled ‘Rednecks’ and ‘Weird People at the IEA’: Moving the Climate Change Debate Forward .

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