Losing Friends
Dr Kim Holmes makes a robust case for an assertive America to defend freedom and liberty
Real wealth, financial fantasies and the economy of the future. The latest book from high profile commentator and best selling author Roger Bootle
In this book Digby Anderson explores the changing nature of friendship.
In Losing Friends, Dr Digby Anderson contrasts the classical notion of high friendship with the pathetic affairs which pass for friendship today. Friendship is in trouble. An institution once as important as the family, has been ‘diluted to mere recreation passing an odd evening together sharing the odd confidence. It is being ousted from business through fear of cronyism and squeezed between the demands of work and the increasingly jealous family. Fathers neglect their obligations to their friends in the club or the pub to bath their children.
Many of us will have no friends in illness, in need or at our funerals. Bewildered letters to agony aunts ask how to make friends. Schools are absurdly introducing classes on how to do so. Our society has no public recognition of friendship and cannot even discuss it articulately. When it does it sentimentalises it. Modern society is wealthy, healthy and long-lived. Aristole would ask what is the point of such a life is if lived without friends.