
Friend or Foe? What Americans should know about the European Union (web publication)



Dr Elaine Sternberg lucidly defines the purposes of corporate governance and analyses different models of corporate regulation.

8th IEA Discussion Paper
The EU is often seen as a benign political construct designed to promote economic freedom, particularly free trade. The analysis in this paper demonstrates this view to be incorrect. Instead, from the very beginning, the EU has used economic integration to promote political ends.

At first this economic integration may have promoted trade in the manufacturing sector. But in the last 30 years economic integration has been forged by increasing and making more uniform economic regulation. If this succeeds in creating political union, as is envisaged by the EU itself, this will be a Union that is damaging to European and global economic freedom and hostile to the US.

2004, Discussion Paper 8

See also:

The European Institutions as an Interest Group by Roland Vaubel

Better Off Out? The Benefits or Costs of EU Membership by Brian Hindley and Martin Howe.

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