Economic Affairs

The Future of Local Government (Volume 26.1)


Economic Affairs

Main articles examine the different regimes for local planning, guest edited by Chris Webster

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Better Regulation Without the State, guest edited by Keith Boyfield. The sample article is on the unintended consequences of the Pensions Act 2004

Government and Institutions

Main articles on the future direction of local government, edited by John Meadowcroft
Special Offer. Normal Price £7.50, Special Price £5.00

Local government in the United Kingdom has never been less autonomous and less powerful than it is today. And this emasculation should be of concern to all liberals, for local autonomy makes possible the pluralism essential to a free society. This issue of Economic Affairs explores these debates, and includes discussions on the purpose, funding and future of local government.


Main articles

The future of local government by John Meadowcroft

Principles and Theories of Local Government by Peter A Watt

Facilitating choice in English local government by Stephen J Bailey

Modernising Local Government by Nirmala Rao

The failure of the Poll Tax and classical liberal political economy: lessons for the future by John Meadowcroft

A Local Sales Tax will set the town halls free by Douglas Carswell

The Private Finance Initiative in Local Government by Rob Ball and David King

Other Articles

Hayek, ‘The Intellectuals and Socialism’ and weighted scale-free networks by Paul Ormerod

Property rights and the general theory of exchange: frequently neglected implications of the division of labour and the law of comparative advantage by Manuel F Ayau

Planning by negotiation for sustainable development by Lawrence W C Lai and Frank T Lorne

Economic Viewpoints

Public choice theory, protectionism and the case of NAFTA by David Quartner

The political economy of overlapping jurisdictions and the French/Dutch rejection of the EU constitution by Jean-Luc Migue

Free trade, ‘pauper labour’ and prosperity – a reply to Professor Mishan by John Meadowcroft

A rejoinder to John Meadowcroft by E J Mishan


On average, Britons out-think the Pensions Commission by Tim Congdon

Trade negotiations or trade policy?[/i by Razeen Sally
Seldon’s Charge by James Stanfield
Can Iceland be a bridge over the Atlantic? by Roger Bate
The re-nationalisation of Britain by John Meadowcroft

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