Economic Affairs

NGOs and Development (Volume 30.3)


Economic Affairs

Sector is now highly politicised

Economic Theory

Milton Friedman in conversation with Gary Becker in this excellent DVD

Government and Institutions

How state-funded NGOs are corrupting the political process in developing countries
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Main articles

NGOs and development by Julian Morris (editorial)
Early Islamic charities as catalysts of institutional innovation by Benedikt Koehler
The Charity Commission – politicised and politicising by Stanley Brodie
Rights and development by George Gelber.
Engaging the private sector to improve health in Africa by Philip Stevens
NGOs vs civil society: reflections on the illiberal, the illegitimate and the unaccountable by Elaine Sternberg
The growing involvement of foreign NGOs in setting policy agendas and political decision-making in Africa by Mike Norton-Griffiths

Other articles

Liberate to learn: education vouchers in Pakistan by Ali Salman
Competitiveness within the euro area: the problem that still needs to be solved by Holger Zemanek
Can we put poor men to work? by Lawrence M. Mead (sample article)
The broken university: what is seen and what is not seen in the UK higher education sector by James Stanfield
The effects of economic regulation in the Istanbul taxicab market by Tamer Cetin and Fuat Oguz
Coaching costs as Tullock costs: a model of rising coaching salaries by Kurt Rotthoff and Ann Mayo

Economic viewpoints

What Austrian business cycle theory does and does not claim as true by Anthony J. Evans
The seventh-century Islamic gold standard by Benedikt Koehler
Lest we forget by Svetozar Pejovich
Inflation economics: the Heath-Barber boom, 1972-74 by G. R. Steele
Liberty between the lines in a statist and modernist age: unfolding the Adam Smith in Friedrich Hayek by Daniel B. Klein
Why free markets should not be blamed for the current recession by Angel Martin Oro
Postcode lotteries by G. R. Steele


Banker bashing may lead to exodus from the City by Tim Congdon
The shift to the East by Razeen Sally
The rise and fall of for-profit libraries by James Stanfield
Climate and disease – not much of a link any more by Roger Bate
Economics beats politics by John Meadowcroft

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