Economic Affairs

Higher Education After Dearing (Volume 18.3)


Economic Affairs

Main articles on Reforming Dock Labour Schemes, guest edited by Nicholas Finney

Economic Affairs

Main articles on Defence Economics, guest edited by Keith Hartley

Main articles on Higher Education After Dearing, guest edited James Tooley

Main articles:

Higher education after Dearing by James Tooley
The Unauthorised Chapter of the Dearing Report by Lord Dearing
The American For-profit University: a Model for the Information Economy by John Sperling
The NIIT Academy: a Unique ‘University’ in the Making’ by C R Mitra
The Role of Income Tax in Student Loan Repayments by Edwin G West
Student Loans in Developing Countries: Government Versus Company Loans by James Tooley and Edwin G. West
The Future for Universities: a Public-Private Partnership?’ by Baroness Perry of Southwark

Other articles:

No Antony Fisher, no IEA: ‘The Case for Freedom’ by John Blundell
EMU without Britain: reasons for scepticism by Robert M Dunn Jr.


The Coming American slowdown
Why the NHS should retire at 50 by David G. Green
While Rome burns…? The state of educational research by James Tooley
Drug resistance no reason to ban animal feeds by Roger Bate
Welfare benefits should not be cut when the public finances are in surplus by Geoffrey E Wood


Mancur Lloyd Olson 1932-1998 by Charles K. Rowley
Yale Brozen 1917-1998 by Mark Brady

Book reviews:

Sir Alan Peacock
Patricia Morgan
Norman Barry
Roger Bate
Jim Bourlet

Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford for the Institute of Economic Affairs

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