Government and Institutions

The Serious Fraud Office’s ‘Long Record of Failure’


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in The Express

IEA research referenced in Thomson Reuters

Research by former IEA Academic and Research Director James Forder has been referenced in a Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence article about a report by HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate recommending reforms to improve the transparency of the Serious Fraud Office.

The piece said:

“Publication of the HMCPSI report comes just over a year after another report authored by the Institute of Economic Affairs’ (IEA) Director of Research, Dr James Forder, who savaged the SFO for its ‘history of unprofessional behaviour and spectacular prosecutorial failures.’ Referring to a ‘litany of errors’, he noted that the SFO has been ‘responsible for a series of expensive and high-profile failed prosecutions, unlawful prosecutions and breaches of the Civil Service code’ and that its ‘long record of failure demonstrates the need for reform, which could include abolition and reallocating its powers to other government agencies’.”

Read the full article here or on the law firm, Signature’s website.

You can also read a full copy of Fraud Focus: Is the Serious Fraud Office fit for purpose?.

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