
The Conservatives are no longer the party of low regulation and business


In the Media

Victoria Hewson comments for the Daily Express

In the Media

Julian Jessop comments for the Daily Express

Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph

Annabel Denham, IEA Director of Communications, has penned an article for The Telegraph criticising the government’s interventionism and accuses the Conservatives of betraying their pro-business roots.

While the pandemic provided grounds for a transient enlargement of the state, Annabel argues that the government must now focus on facilitating an environment under which business can once again flourish.

“Government cannot forever hide behind the pandemic. It’s 2022, and Omicron infections may peak later this month. Soon, the mask will have to come off. Then we’ll know if the Tories have fallen out of love with free-market economics, or were just a little slow in ending their dalliance with social democracy.”

Read the full article here.


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