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Responding to the Chancellor’s plea to keep national debt falling every year, Kate Andrews, Associate Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs said:

“The Chancellor has dished out a fair and sensible warning to leadership candidates. Slashing tax and spending increases must go hand-in-hand with cuts in other areas and a radical pro-growth agenda – otherwise they are not fiscally responsible policies.”

“Increasing the national debt is not the way to achieve a healthy economy long-term; indeed more should be done so that future generations are not saddled with a mountain of debt.

“That said, we are long overdue for a return to a more free market agenda, that has a proven track record of lowering the cost of goods and raising living standards. With the UK tax burden at a near-fifty year high, putting more money back in people’s wallets should be a top priority, but it shouldn’t mean abandoning fiscal responsibility along the way.

“Money borrowed and spent eventually has to be paid back, and it would be deeply unfair to make tomorrow’s taxpayers pick up today’s bill.” 

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries please contact Nerissa Chesterfield, Head of Communications: or 07791 390 268 or Emma Revell, Communications Manager: or 07931 698246.

For related IEA research on taxation and economic growth please click here.

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