
Tackle the Housing Crisis to Bring Back Growth


Person Drinking Wine, alcoholic beverage
In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Drinks Business

Julian Jessop quoted in The Sun & The Express

IEA Economics Fellow Julian Jessop has been quoted in The Sun and The Daily Express responding to the UK’s zero GDP growth in the three months to April.

Quoted in The Sun, Julian said:

The headline figure of zero growth in the UK economy in April is not as bad as it sounds. Activity in the services sector was still expanding at a decent pace, offset by what should be temporary falls in production and in construction, the latter hit especially hard by the wet weather.

In The Express, he goes on to say:

“On the less volatile three- month on three – month comparison, the economy grew by 0.7%.

“More needs to be done to sustain the recovery. The next government has to get serious about fixing the structural problems that are holding back growth, including the broken planning system and the excessive burdens of tax.”

Read the full articles in The Sun (13/06/2024, p.41) and The Daily Express (13/06/2024, p.10)

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