Energy and Environment

State intervention in the energy market has caused long-term damage


In the Media

Matthew Lesh comments for the Daily Mail

In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes for The Telegraph

Mark Littlewood writes for The Times

Mark Littlewood, IEA Director General, has written his column for The Times on the rising cost of energy and proposes that a “supply-side revolution” is needed to to alleviate the current crisis.

Mark argues that instead of furthering state intervention in the energy market, that government must consider the potential of measures such as fracking for shale gas to reduce costs.

“The energy price cap established in 2019 was the latest iteration of this enthusiasm for state control. A swathe of companies have gone to the wall as a consequence and supply and competition become more constrained as a result.”

“The shale gas revolution in the US has been a big contributor to Americans’ energy bills being about 40 per cent lower than ours. Here, of course, fracking for shale gas is in effect banned and it seems there is no appetite to reverse this decision.”

Read the full article here.

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