Lifestyle Economics

SNP alcohol advertisement bans carry no robust evidence


In the Media

IEA Research quoted by The Times

IEA Research quoted in The Express

IEA’s recent publication, Alcohol Advertising: What does the evidence show? has been quoted in the Express for its contribution to disproving the perceived benefits of alcohol ad bans.

The Express wrote:

“SNP First Minister Humza Housaf has pledged to go ‘back to the drawing board’ in the wake of findings from the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and outcry from the drinks industry.

“‘There is no robust evidence in favour of alcohol advertising bans’, adding: ‘Banning alcohol advertising should not be presented as an evidence-based policy’.”

“The research said a small number of studies looking specifically at the impact of alcohol advertising bans had ‘produced mixed results’, but insisted that majority had ‘found no impact on aggregate sales’.”

You can read the full article here

Christopher’s Paper was also quoted in The Scotsman, The Herald, and the Lancashire Times.

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