
Post-Brexit EU Alignment Risks Being ‘the Worst of Both Worlds’



Matthew Lesh writes for ConservativeHome

In the Media

Realities of Socialism polling referenced in The New Statesman

Matthew Lesh quoted in The Express

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has been quoted in The Daily Express discussing the possibility of Britain more closely aligning with European Union rules under a Labour government.

Matthew said:

“Labour have indicated a preference to strengthen relations with the EU and reduce post-Brexit burdens on trade. But, as the EU have repeatedly signalled, the removal of barriers like customs checks will require closer alignment with EU rules. This could even mean so-called ‘dynamic alignment,’ meaning UK laws are updated to follow EU changes.

“This would be the worst of both worlds: the UK required to follow EU rules without any formal say in their creation. It could even mean the loss of any potential regulatory benefits of Brexit, like cresting a more hospitable environment for innovative new technologies.”

Read the full article here.

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