Society and Culture

The tax and benefits systems are particularly harsh on single-earner couples

In a new study, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs*, Patricia Morgan** shows how tax and benefits policy has … Continue reading “Government policy has undermined family life with devastating economic and social consequences”
Monetary Policy

The IEA's Shadow Monetary Policy Committee has voted by five votes to four to hold interest rates

Shadow Monetary Policy Committee says: “hold interest rates for now” in knife-edge vote At its latest meeting, the IEA’s Shadow … Continue reading “SMPC votes narrowly to hold interest rates 5th February 2007”

A change in policy would improve safety and reduce congestion

In an article published by the Institute of Economic Affairs*, Martin Cassini** argues that traffic lights are unnecessary and dangerous … Continue reading “Institute of Economic Affairs’ article proposes the abolition of traffic lights”
Tax and Fiscal Policy

An IEA monograph reveals the negative economic impact of current taxation levels

In a major study of public spending and taxation, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs*, David B. Smith** argues … Continue reading “Political Consensus on Public Spending is Damaging Economic Growth and Welfare”