Lifestyle Economics

Christopher Snowdon quoted by The Telegraph

Public Health England’s plans to introduce new guidelines to shrink the calorie content of most food, “is the death rattle … Continue reading “PHE’s plans to shrink your chips are the “death rattle of a profoundly useless organisation””
Trade, Development, and Immigration

Syed Kamall quoted by City AM

Responding to the Prime Minister’s statement that leaving the post-Brexit transition period without a trade deal would be “a good … Continue reading “You have to give the impression that you are prepared to walk away from negotiations”

Phillip Booth quoted in the Financial Times

The Financial Times has written up the Treasury Select Committee’s call for evidence this week, in which IEA Senior Academic … Continue reading “Pensions tax-free lump sum could be made “less generous” to help repair the nation’s finances”

IEA research quoted in the Daily Express

The Daily Express has run a news piece on the IEA’s recent briefing paper, You Had One Job. It described the report, … Continue reading “WHO and PHE were “distracted by their pet projects” and “dropped the ball” on Covid-19″