Trade, Development, and Immigration

You have to give the impression that you are prepared to walk away from negotiations

Syed Kamall quoted by City AM

Responding to the Prime Minister’s statement that leaving the post-Brexit transition period without a trade deal would be “a good outcome”, the IEA’s Academic and Research Director Professor Syed Kamall  argued that negotiating with the EU required a certain degree of obstinacy.

Quoted by City AM, Syed said: “Experienced negotiators will tell you that you have to give the impression that you are prepared to walk away from negotiations, whether it be a contractor who gives you an outrageous initial quote or negotiations between trade unions and company bosses.

“During my years in Brussels, I saw the European Parliament walk away from negotiations with the European Commission and the Council, only to be called back to the table at a later date and resume negotiations to reach a deal.”

Read the full article here.

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