
IEA responds to Keir Starmer’s conference speech


In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes for The Daily Express

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted in The Sun

Government and Institutions

Commenting on Keir Starmer’s conference speech, Matthew Lesh, Head of Public Policy at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“It’s welcome to see Labour pitching itself back into the centre ground and focusing on aspiration, hard work and economic growth – but the policy agenda is uninspiring and counterproductive. 

“Starmer talks about growth but wants higher taxes and more red tape on wealth-creators, entrepreneurs and investors. A big-taxing, big-spending, big-regulation agenda risks a smaller economy, lower incomes and fewer resources available for public services.”

On housing, Matthew said:

“Starmer’s focus on increasing homeownership and giving local councils power to designate large-scale development are welcome steps. 

“But the proposed mortgage guarantee scheme for first home buyers risks inducing demand, increasing prices and encouraging unsustainable levels of debt. Subsidising home loans is precisely what led to the subprime crisis. Nor is it accurate to scapegoat the likes of foreigners, second home owners or buy-to-lets.

“The UK has failed for years to build anywhere near enough homes to satisfy the needs of our residents. The housing crisis will only be solved by reforming Britain’s broken planning system and boosting supply – not by further stoking demand.”

On Great British Energy, Andy Mayer, IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst, said:

“Only the Labour party could look at the current energy mess and think ‘what this needs is more politicians’. 

“Great British Energy might involve nationalising current suppliers or creating a new British Leyland for wind farms. 

“Either way it will be a disaster, with Ministers picking winners, and civil servants making an expensive mess of deployment.” 


Notes to editors

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