Society and Culture

New authoritarianism imperils free speech


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Sun

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer writes in The Telegraph

Marc Glendening writes for Reaction

IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening has written for Reaction warning that a new form of censorship-supporting authoritarianism poses a threat to Britain’s liberal democracy.

Discussing his new paper, Dictating words, Marc wrote:

“Historically, illiberal regimes and groupings, whether fascist, Marxist or the religious fundamentalist have honestly proclaimed their desire to limit freedom of expression to one belief system and party. By contrast, the latter-day authoritarians employ an Orwellian doublespeak, suggesting that their project is in some way designed to enhance liberal-sounding values such as ‘equality’, ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusivity’.

“The drift into neo-authoritarianism now requires those of us who are political and cultural liberals, regardless of our differences on economics, foreign policy, or other issues, to come together to form a broad ranging coalition. A ‘popular front’ of the mind that asserts our natural right to express whatever opinions we desire to. Human beings can only live in a state of true civilisation if we enjoy equal rights of citizenship to one another.”

Read Marc’s full piece here.

Read a full copy of Dictating words: The Culture-Control Left and the war against free speech here.

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