
Main Parties Plan to Pile on Red Tape


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Critic

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In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes for Spiked!

IEA research featured in The Times

New research by IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh on the uncosted regulatory pledges in the main parties’ election manifestos has been featured in The Times.

The article said:

“In an analysis of the three main parties ‘ manifestos , the Institute of Economic Affairs said that Labour was proposing 63 new regulations while cutting 13, compared with 28 new rules from the Conservatives and 128 from the Liberal Democrats.

“Matthew Lesh, director of public policy and communication at the IEA, said: ‘This tsunami of new regulations could significantly increase costs for businesses and consumers . They will have far- reaching consequences.’

“Labour has pledged a planning drive to increase local housebuilding and to
remove the ban on onshore wind turbines. Lesh said that the planning permission changes ‘could reduce business burdens and grow the economy’.”

Read the full article in The Times (27/06/2024, p.42).

You can also read a full copy of Shadow Expenses: Uncosted Regulatory Burdens in Election Manifestos.

Shadow Expenses was also featured in The Times’ comment section, The Daily Express (27/06/2024, p.6 & 7), The Daily Telegraph (27/06/2024, p.19), Luxurious Magazine, Yahoo! Finance, Guido Fawkes, The Yorkshire Times, and WIRED GOV.

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